Cyborg Invasion Shooter 3: Savior Of The World

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92 шт.

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Player character cyborg has got now new human looking transform. Player mission is to start from level 1 and kill enemies and find each level teleport which transfers to new level.

Cyborg Invasion Shooter 3 is shooter and runner game.
Game has 9 different levels. Every level player character mission is to find teleport gate which transfer player to next level. Arrows will help player to tell right direction. There is unlocked level system, so player need start for level 1. Levels are different themed like: mountains, subways, antarctics, caves etc. After finishing last level player is teleported back to main menu.
Each map contain different enemies, such as soldiers with weapons, automatic turrets, flying enemies. Levels contain also soldiers with shields which is more powerful enemy. Each level has 2 to 3 checkpoints, where you can respawn if you die.
The player has 4 types of weapons, besides melee weapons, such as kicks.
The player can also collect ammo and health pick-ups