My Coloring Book: Professions
Do you like to draw? Think you're too old? Come on, it's an incredibly fun activity. Here are several dozen different pictures on the theme of "professions". Paint according to the pattern or combine unexpected colours - the final word is yours! Features of the game:Abundance of available picturesThe opportunity to create and developPretty graphicsThere are Steam achievementsSupports all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux)In life, perhaps everyone - there comes a moment when you want to drop everything and try yourself in something new. The worries of the past cease to be important, and a person seeks an outlet in creativity. Some people start writing poetry, others learn to play a musical instrument, and we invite you to try on the role of an artist. In My Colouring Book: Professions you will find lots of pictures of different professions. It's up to you to follow the patterns or colour the pictures your own way. Remember, there are no limits to true creativity. If you have a child, this game will help them develop their creative skills and learn about new professions.